Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Immigration Reform Advocates Losing Patience with Obama

Courtesy of New American Media, "The First and Largest Collaboration of Ethnic News Organizations":

Subhash Kateel thinks impatience with President Obama's immigration agenda has begun to boil over. An immigrant advocate in Florida, Kateel says there is a potent mix of frustration and disappointment percolating through immigrant communities nationwide.

President Obama promised sweeping changes to the immigration system before taking office and raised immigrants’ hopes, says Kateel. Instead of delivering, the administration has maintained the status quo: high-handed enforcement tactics that separate families and funnel immigrants into substandard immigration courts and detention centers.

“Yeah, things are changing,” says Kateel, who works for the Miami-based Florida Immigrant Rights Coalition. “They’re getting worse. That’s what we hear on the ground.”

You can read the entire article here.

1 comment:

  1. A number of "Obama dropping the ball on immigration reform" articles have been followed by more recent articles documenting his efforts to push CIR (comprehensive immigration reform).

    However, many believe these recent efforts maybe too little, too late; and the only chance the US has for CIR is to vote this administration out of office.
